Sunday, July 25, 2010

Color explosion

Anyone else get uncomfortable during Viagra/KY commercials?

The lighting on this picture is terrible. If the lighting were correct, you'd see more red and orange than pink. Regardless, you get the idea. Enjoy!

Also, if you'd like to buy a painting, they all cost exactly 1 million dollars.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Rocky Mountain High

I just spent 2 wonderful weeks in Buena Vista, CO with my family- it was incredible! We spent time hiking, reading, playing cornhole, painting, and drinking copious amounts of wine. Naturally we also found the only bar in town with karaoke. Leaving was very hard but it is nice to be home and back to normalcy with Ruby D. Speaking of, we put her in the crib for the first time last night and she slept for 8 hours straight. BAM!
I painted this using pieces of a cardboard box. Sometimes I find that using materials other than paintbrushes creates a better final product. Sometimes I even use my hands- finger paints! Anyway, this is Mark's favorite painting. Enjoy.